Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
We are happy to announce that the AiCVIM...
We are happy to announce that the AiCVIM...
We are happy to announce that the AiCVIM...
Update of DeFacto Members
The Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (AiCVIM) is a nonprofit certifying organization for Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialists in Asia. The mission of AiCVIM is to improve the lives of companion animals and people by advancing the field of veterinary internal medicine in Asia through education, clinical training and research. Our primary objectives are to:
· Develop and promote continuing education and post-graduate training programs/residencies.
· Establish post-graduate education, experience and exam requirements for certification.
· Examine and certify veterinarians as Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialists.
· Encourage original research in the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in internal medicine.
· Disseminate research results of above investigations and other new medical information
· Increase public awareness of advances in veterinary medical care in Asia.
Veterinary internal medicine specialties include cardiology, neurology, oncology, and small animal internal medicine.
Founding diplomates (Invited Specialists and defacto Diplomates) have demonstrated good standard of knowledge and skills by fulfilling all requirements and passing the evaluation of Credential Committee. They spend the majority of their time in referral practices or academic institutions.
*Future diplomates will undergo extensive training in veterinary internal medicine and pass a thorough examination to assure quality service to the public and the animals.