Specialists appointed De Facto, also defined in this general scheme, who have been
appointed by the Invited Specialists. The De Facto appointed Diplomates should fulfill the
following criteria.
- are licensed to practice veterinary medicine in an Asian country.
-The 4th selection of De Facto specialists in "Internal Medicine" is limited to candidates who are licensed in Asian countries EXCEPT Japan and South Korea.
-The 4th selection of De Facto specialists in "Neurology" and "Cardiology" is limited to candidates who are licensed in Asian countries EXCEPT Japan.
- are of good moral and ethical standing in the profession
- have at least 8 years of experience in one of the following specialty field in companion animal;
➢ Cardiology
➢ Oncology
➢ Neurology
➢ Internal Medicine
- spend at least 60 per cent of their time in companion animal internal medicine;
- have published at least 3 original scientific articles in refereed journals as the first author and at least 3 additional articles as co-author excluding reviews;
- have presented original works as a speaker or a corresponding author and/or continuing education lectures at international scientific meetings* (*Asian Meeting of Animal Medicine Specialties (AMAMS), ACVIM, ECVIM, WSAVA, FASAVA, etc.)
- are full or founding members of the AiSVIM.
Selection will be made on the basis of a submitted CV including evidence of fulfillment of the above criteria, and also indicating how the candidates have achieved their expertise.
All AiSVIM full or founding members will be invited to apply for de Facto registration by sending a letter which states the above mentioned requirements in 5 years after the initial announcement for the application.
Selection will be made on the basis of a submitted CV including evidence of fulfillment of the above criteria, and also indicating how the candidates have achieved their expertise.
All AiSVIM full or founding members will be invited to apply for de Facto registration by sending a letter which states the above mentioned requirements in 5 years after the initial announcement for the application.
Veterinarians meeting these requirements and wishing to apply for De Facto Diplomates status should submit the following documents in English:
1. Cover letter requesting De Facto Diplomates status in the AiCVIM
2. A “conventional” format curriculum vitae, which should include:
a. Education and employment history
b. The training received in veterinary internal medicine, cardiology, oncology or neurology
c. Participation (and, if applicable, abstracts presented) in national and international veterinary internal medicine meetings
d. Peer reviewed articles and book chapters authored by candidate
e. Teaching of veterinary internal medicine or other specialty by the candidate
f. Lectures in veterinary internal medicine or other specialty by the candidate in Continuing Education courses
3. The complete attached Excel file, which should include a detailed case log book for the past 3 years (note that the file has 6 worksheets). If they are a diplomate of ACVIM or ECVIM, a case log is not required.
If they are a diplomate of ACVIM or ECVIM, a case log is not required.
4. Reference letter from supervisor, e.g., Dean, Clinic Director, etc. The letter should attest to the candidate’s good moral character and ethical standing, and confirm the accuracy of all documents submitted by the candidate.
5. Recommendation letter from Vice Presidents of AiSVIM
Also, the candidate should submit:
1. An electronic copy (PDF file) of his/her license to practice veterinary medicine. If the license is not in English, append a translation.
2. Electronic copies (PDF file) of the first page of all book chapters, peer-reviewed articles and meeting abstracts authored by the candidate and published in English. If the candidate has authored peer-reviewed articles in other languages, please provide:
a. English translation of your leading papers (full text) – PDF file
b. English translation of the abstracts of all your other non-English articles –
3. Application fee : $250.00 USD (It will be charged later.)
PDF file
Note: A candidate who has 3 or more peer-reviewed articles in English does not need to submit translations of his/her non-English articles. Similarly, please submit English translations of your meeting abstracts, unless you have 3 or more meeting abstracts in English.
Electronic copies of all of these documents must be received by e-mail directed to the AiCVIM Secretary of your respective country by January 31, 2023. If there is no Secretary in your country, please send the application forms directly to the President, Dr. Tetsuya Kobayashi(adriamycin@mac.com).
We sincerely apologize for the delay in the 4th call for De Facto specialists due to an unexpected problem with the COVID-19.
Secretary of respective country and e-mail address
- Indonesia; Dr. Deni Noviana (deni@ipb.ac.id)
- Japan; Dr. Masaru Okuda (okudamu@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp)
- Korea: Dr. Dong-In Jung (jungdi@gnu.ac.kr)
- Taiwan; Dr. Jihjong Lee (jacklee@ntu.edu.tw)
- Thailand; Dr. Panpicha Sattasathuchana (psatta99@gmail.com)